Auburn & Onyx offer a wide array of specialised services designed to address the unique needs of our clients dealing with hair loss, or simply just seeking hair enhancement solutions.

Whether clients are experiencing partial or complete hair loss, we are dedicated to offering personalised solutions tailored to your specific needs and preferences. 

Our aim is to set a new standard for personalised care in the hair enhancement industry, fostering positive well-being transformations.

At Auburn & Onyx, we strive to cultivate a holistic atmosphere, addressing not just the symptoms but also delving into the root causes of hair loss. Through nutrition, lifestyle adjustments and stress management, we strive to empower clients beyond mere solutions.

Find us

4-5 The Stables at Leigh Court, Pill Road, Bristol, BS8 3RA

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Prefer to speak over the phone? give us a call on: 07720 522062

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